Curriculum​ (K-12)

At Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai, our Kindergarten children benefit from a multi-faceted AISL Harrow designed curriculum purposefully tailored for our youngest learners. Students from Grade 1 to Grade 9 follow the Hong Kong curriculum, fully integrating the unique culture of the Greater Bay Area. Within Grades 10 to 12, students can opt for either the DSE or IB pathway. Academic excellence delivered through outstanding teaching will see departing students go on to the most competitive higher institutions across the globe.

Our curriculum is enriched by the distinctive Harrow Values – Courage, Honour, Fellowship, and Humility. They are embedded throughout the education experience and guide our students to act with integrity, embrace challenges, and build strong relationships with their peers and teachers. In addition, we place great emphasis on cultivating the six Harrow leadership attributes:

1. Contributing positively to the community
2. Applying knowledge with compassion
3. Solving problems collaboratively
4. Solving problems creatively
5. Making fair and just choices
6. Facing challenges with determination

These attributes are woven into the fabric of our curriculum, ensuring that our students not only achieve academic excellence but also grow into compassionate, creative, and resilient leaders who make a positive impact on the world.